Първи бюлетин по проект New Care

Първи бюлетин по проект New Care Проект New Care e финансиран с подкрепата на Европейската комисия и се изпълнява от партньори от Испания, Италия, Швеция, Румъния и България. Проектът се координира от Asociación Edad Dorada Mensajeros de la Paz C-LM y Galicia, Испания.  

Second partner meeting of New Care project

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The topics of the future of the labour market trends and professions dynamics are large discussed and used as starting points of many analyses, new job profiles and respective training programs. These topics are very important for the career practitioners in the different countries in order to be up-to-date and adequate in their professional performance. … Продължение

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