Welcome to the FUTURE!

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Hello World! The Future is here. We are please to welcome you on board of our future time travel machine! FUTURE Time Traveller (FUTURE) is a European project that aims at transforming career guidance of generation Z through an innovative, games-based scenario approach and to prepare the next generation for the jobs of the future. … Продължение

Категории News

BFE chairperson took part in the International Conference Counselors „Role in the Local and Global Economy“

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  The Chairperson of Business Foundation for Education Gergana Rakovska took part in the  International Conference COUNSELOR’S ROLE IN THE LOCAL AND GLOBAL COMMUNITY that took place in Bucharest, Romania on 16-18 February 2018. The event has been organized by NBCC Romania and the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Bucharest. 220 professionals from … Продължение

Категории News

New Care is starting

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The New Care project addressing certain needs of the elderly members of our societies through designing and developing educational resources for the professionals in nursing homes. The Europe 2020 Strategy recognizes that „the number of people over the age of 60 is increasing twice as fast as it was before 2007, that is to say … Продължение

Категории News

National school career guidance program and interactive portal help Bulgarian students develop their career competences


In the last 2 years the team of Business Foundation for Education has been involved by the Ministry of Education in developing the first National School Career Guidance program. The program addresses school advisors, psychologists and teachers, and provides a comprehensive methodological framework for career education and guidance of pupils from all ages – elementary, … Продължение

Категории News

Cultour National Seminar in Bulgaria


On June 6th, the products and results of the CULTOUR project have been presented in national seminar in Sofia. The project aims to contribute to enhancing the skills and stimulating the mobility in tourism through the recognition, validation and improving the intercultural competences of the employees in the sector. The seminar involved almost 50 trainers, … Продължение

Категории News

CCE professional development awards and GCDF scholarships 2017

The NBCC Foundation is pleased to announce the application period for the 2017 Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE) scholarships. These scholarships are made possible by generous corporate support from CCE, an organization that provides practitioners and organizations with assessments, business support services and credentialing. Created in 1995 as an affiliate of the National Board for … Продължение

Категории News

Second partner meeting of the Open Mind project

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The second partner meeting of the Open Mind project just finished. It was hosted by the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz. The Open Mind project aims at promoting social entrepreneurship to female students and learners from non-business fields of studies through an innovative gamified open online course. The consortium involves 8 organizations from 5 European countries. During … Продължение

Категории News

Velocity project starts

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The VeLoCiTy project, 2016-1-CY01-KA204-017314, aims to produce a 3D virtual world learning tool to simulate real interviews, real-life scenarios, and interview processes in order to familiarise Europeans with the diversities in the theories and practices applied across Europe mainly due to different ethnic and cultural backgrounds among the European states. The main objectives of VeLoCiTy … Продължение

Категории News

The Open Mind adventure started!

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Open Mind is an Erasmus+ project, which aims at promoting Social Entrepreneurship to female learners and students from non-business studies through an innovative gamified open online course. Despite the positive impact that social enterprises have on the economy and society in general, currently the majority of entrepreneurship courses are offered in business and economic studies, … Продължение

Категории News

The Prometheus project successfully implemented

 The Prometheus project, 2014-1-BG01-KA204-001560, funded with the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union has been successfully implemented by Business Foundation for Education (Bulgaria) together with its partners CIAPE (Italy), BEST (Austria), IED (Greece), Aspire-i Ltd. (UK) and CIT (Ireland).  Prometheus is the Greek god that gave fire and hope to the people. … Продължение

Категории News