11 partners from 9 countries, among them Business Foundation for Education, have gathered together for their 2nd transnational meeting in Chania to work on the project Ask4Job, 2017-1-IT02-KA204-036755 activities and plan further actions. They have discussed the Scouting Analysis Results from all partners’ countries, performed in order to analyse needs of digital-literacy expressed by enterprises and labour market. Another main objective of the meeting has been the discussion on the assessment instrument for digital competencies to be produced as a result of the joint efforts of all team members.
Each partners’ meeting has also a session dedicated to best practices leading to acquisition of certain skills. The topic the second meeting has been Problem solving at the workplace. Many best practices from different countries have been shared and discussed.
ASK4JOB is a pan-European educational pathway. It takes inspiration from the COM 2016 – 381 Final, which urges to up-skill and re-skill the European labour force with the digital skills to keep them productive at the workplaces. In the near future, the majority of the jobs will require a certain degree of digital competences, while an increasing number of elementary jobs will at least require some basic competences. By contrast, in Europe 70 million people lack adequate reading and writing skills, and even more have poor numeracy and digital skills, putting them at risk of unemployment, poverty and social exclusion. More than half of the 12 million long-term unemployed are considered as low-skilled adults. (COM (2016) 381 Final).
In order to support their upskilling ASK4JOB will produce a set of tools to assess, educate and recognize digital-literacy competences. This result is achieved through the realisation of 3 products, having as primary beneficiaries long-term unemployed adults and as secondary ones professional counsellors and educators of adults, as well as all the other professional figures involved in supporting activities for adult job seekers. Those 3 products are characterised by a) the design, test and validation of an educational pathway and its assessment tool tailored at the needs of the target users; b) a blended educational methodology (A-MOOC and Capacity Lab) which promotes motivation at lifelong learning, leveraging on the development of beneficiaries’ capabilities – this motivation will be supported by micro-units of learning outcomes so that users could easily experience the success, step by step, during the whole educational pathway; c) the development of a path for recognition of competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning in support of professional update for adult educators and job counsellors.
The expect impact of the project envisages the involvement of 500 among primary and secondary beneficiaries: low skilled adults as well as operators of the adult education systems and of the job-counselling sector operating in both private and public employment services and, more in general, regional and national stakeholders.
For more information please like the project’s facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Ask4JobProject/
The Ask4Job project, 2017-1-IT02-KA204-036755, has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.