On June 11, the Business Foundation for Education held its annual event: Traveling the Future for Career Consultants – Race against Time and New Technologies 2019.
We talked about our current projects, where we put a lot of desire, professionalism and inspiration. We showed the new career guidance tests we created. We tried out exercises and discussed how to better balance our professional and personal lives.
We introduced the innovative career game in a three-dimensional virtual world that aims to familiarize young people with the professions and skills of the future. Two young Z generation girls showed how through different missions and challenges players gain career knowledge and skills.
At the http://future-time-traveller.eu/ project page, you’ll find detailed instructions on how to create an account and install the game on your computer.
The participants also joined a gaming workshop and managed to generate 7 career career ideas for a limited time.
To support innovation in career guidance, we will be conducting a European Career Gaming and Instrument Competition in the next 6 months, as well as a competition for young people to gather ideas for jobs that will emerge in the future.
We would like to thank everyone who has been able to become part of this experience – more than 40 people – representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training, the Employment Agency, the Center for Human Resource Development, the Bulgarian Management Association People Support Centers, NGO Portals, State and Private Universities, Colleges and Schools, Companies, and Non-Governmental Organizations.