Career Skills kick-off meeting in Sofia and research of existing CMS frameworks

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The Business Foundation for Education had the pleasure to host the kick-off meeting of the Career Skills Project, which took place in Sofia, on January 14th-15th. 

The project is being implemented in partnership with the Finnish Institute for Educational Research with the University of Jyvaskyla, Réseau International des Cités des Métiers – France, VHS Cham – Germany, the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, and Aspire-Igen group – UK.

Together, we will launch a European Career Skills Platform, which will help people understand, assess and upgrade their career management competencies and find support in an online map of career services.

Career Skills Kick-off Sofia

– In 2020 the partners will elaborate the Career Skills Catalogue and conduct research to collect feedback and resources. The Career Skills platform and the Career Service Map will be launched. The results will be presented in seminars for policy actors.
– In 2021 we will develop the Career Management Skills online course, produce a promotional video and organize training of trainers in all partner countries.
– In 2022 the consortium will conduct information campaign, assess the project impact and present the findings and outcomes of the project during the final events.

You can take a look at our first newsletter and take part in the initial research of existing Career Management Skills national frameworks and assessment tools. Thank you in advance!   

For more information, check our website and our Facebook page

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