Check how inclusive your early childhood services are!

The new Diversity footprint assessment tool helps early childhood education and care establishments evaluate and improve their approach to inclusion.

The tool is available in Bulgarian, English, Czech, Slovak, Italian, and Dutch. It was created under the DIVERSITY+ project, which aims to make early childhood education and care more inclusive for all children. The 3-year initiative is financed under the Erasmus+ program.

On the website you will also find the other products of the project:
• Diversity Good Practices and Charter eBook
• European qualification framework for the Diversity Ambassador in ECEC

The partners will also develop an interactive serious game based on case studies from practice, which will help those working in the field to improve their approach to children with different needs and their inclusion. The game will be released in 2023.

The initiative is coordinated by CIAPE – Italian Permanent Learning Center and includes the Business Foundation for Education in Bulgaria, Link Campus University in Italy, Aspire-international in Great Britain, ISSA – International Step by Step Association in the Netherlands, Škola dokorán n.o. in Slovakia and Schola Empirica in the Czech Republic.

For more useful information and up-to-date news, follow the project’s Facebook page