The FUTURE project team gathered for its fourth international meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, which was greatly hosted by the European Board for Certified Counselors. The partners discussed the last project accomplishments and planned its tasks until the end of the initiative.
Since its launch in June 2019, the Future Time Traveller career game in a 3D virtual world has attracted nearly 700 players and received a very high evaluation.
The Jobs of the Future Contest collected 92 ideas from young people aged 13-19 and the European competition for innovative career games and tools received 40 entries, including 7 good practices from non-partner countries.
The winners in the 2 contests will be announced at the end of February. They will be included in an Ebook and in the printed booklet of the project, which will also summarize the key policy messages the partnership has identified. The project results will be presented during the final events in November.
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