Transversal Model for Migrants Kick-off Meeting in Paris, France on the 16th and 17th, October, 2018

Business Foundation for Education is involved in a new Erasmus+ project called Transversal Project for Migrants, 2018-1-FR01-KA202-048007. The project will be jointly implemented by a partnership lead by ITG CONSEIL from France and partners representing 6 more countries – BFE from Bulgaria, Center for Social Innovation – CSI from Cyprus, Iasis Amke Athens from Greece, Mindshift Talent Advisory from Portugal, Solidaridad Sin Fronteras from Spain and Bahçeşehir University from Turkey.

Last week the partners gathered for their first meeting hosted by the coordinators in Paris to officially launch the project implementation and discuss and plan in detail the work for the next two years.

Improving migrants’ skills and competencies is a key proactive dimension for the VET system and for the global offer of training and supporting programs dedicated to migrants. Trainers and training companies and organizations need new materials and pedagogic approaches. Vocational education and training are essential means for addressing the support of migrants. There is a strong need for relevant tools and methods to be adjusted to both target groups, addressing career change. The same need arises as far as the integration in the labor market of newly arrived refugees/ migrants in the EU countries is concerned (source: rapport Pisani-Ferry – sept 2017- France).

As written in the European Agenda Migration (May 2015 and Dec 2017): “The EU is also facing a series of long-term economic and demographic challenges. Its population is ageing, while its economy is increasingly dependent on highly-skilled jobs. Furthermore, without migration the EU’s working age population will decline by 17.5 million in the next decade. Migration will increasingly be an important way to enhance the sustainability of our welfare system and to ensure sustainable growth of the EU economy. This is why, even if the case for legal migration will always be difficult at a time of high unemployment and social change, it is important to have in place a clear and rigorous common system, which reflects the EU interest, including by maintaining Europe as an attractive destination for migrants”.

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The Transveral Model for Migrants, 2018-1-FR01-KA202-04800, has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.