On the 11th and 12th, November, 2019, Business Foundation for Education hosted in Sofia, Bulgaria the partners’ meeting of the Transversal model for Migrants project, 2018-1-FR01-KA202-048007 funded with the support of European Commission under the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships Program.
The project is jointly implemented by a partnership lead by ITG – Portage Salarial from France and partners representing 6 more countries – BFE from Bulgaria, Center for Social Innovation – CSI from Cyprus, Iasis Amke Athens from Greece, Mindshift Talent Advisory from Portugal, Solidaridad Sin Fronteras from Spain and Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi from Turkey.
Transversal Model for Migrants aims to empower teachers, trainers and counsellors to facilitate and empower migrants with skills in order to promote higher job position or economic and social integration within Europe.
The partners validated the elaborated Curriculum, Handbook and Toolbox and planned and prepared the forthcoming pilot testing period with professionals and migrants.
The Transveral Model for Migrants, 2018-1-FR01-KA202-04800, has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.