BFE presented its career initiatives at the Euroguidance national seminar

The Business Education Foundation has joined the National Training for Career Advisers, organized by Euroguidance Bulgaria. The event took place on December 10-11, 2019 in Sofia and was attended by over 50 professionals from all over the country, as well as four representatives of the National Agency for European Programs and Mobility of the Republic of Northern Macedonia.

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The Business Foundation for Education project manager Nevena Rakovskaspoke about the most current innovative projects of BFE in the field of career guidance and counseling, and put a focus on the future jobs and labor market developments.

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She encouraged participants to participate in European competition for Innovative career guidance tools, part of the FUTURE project.

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Special attention was paid to the Foundation’s new initiative – the Career Skills project.

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During the training, specific career guidance techniques and good practices with different target groups were also demonstrated.

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