Level Up meeting in Hungary

Level Up logos

The fifth meeting of the Level Up project took place on December 3-rd и 4-th in Bekescsaba, Hungary, kindly hosted by the Government Office of Békés County.

Level Up Hungary final

The main project output is an innovative mobile application for career guidance of students, aiming to stimulate their interest towards vocational education and traning pathways, thus addressing the labour market mismatches. Currently, the second version of the game is being piloted with young people. It can be downloaded and tested here:https://lu.capedkoala.com/

In the next few months the partners will integrate in the game various labour market useful resources and information, which will support the career decision making process with the support of career professionals and by players alone. 

Level Up Hungary LMI

The Leve Up partnership involves Aspire-international (UK) – coordinator, the Business Foundation for Education (Bulgaria), Cork Institute of Technology – CIT (Ireland), Sataedu (Finland), Government Office of Békés County (Hungary), Internationale Projekte – Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. (Germany) and Caped Koala Studios (UK).

Level Up Hungary discussion

For nore information about the project, please check its websitehttp://levelupvet.eu/ and Facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/LevelUpVET/.  

Тhis project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. No: 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036643