Career Skills online meeting


The Career Skills partnership met remotely on 29.09.2020 to check the progress and plan its activities in the next months.

The project aims at helping individuals understand, assess and develop their career management skills through a European Career Skills Platform

 The 3-year KA3 initiative is coordinated by the Business Foundation for Education in Bulgaria and involves the Finnish Institute for Educational Research with the University of Jyvaskyla, the Réseau International des Cités des Métiers in France, VHS-Cham in Germany, the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development in Greece, and Aspire-igen in the UK.

Till now the partnership has launched the English version of the Career Skills platform which contains:

 The partners have conducted piloting research among career guidance experts and professionals in each country and have collected some very positive feedback and useful recommendations.

The platform will be translated in all languages and will be officially presented in each country by the end of the year.

Then the partners will also develop a Career Skills open online course (MOOC) in which users will be able to improve their career management skills. 

For more information about the project check our website
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Project No:612877-EPP-1-2019-1-BG-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD