The Level Up project completed successfully

The end of an era! Level Up project has been successfully completed. It started 3 years ago project and aimed to promote vocational education and training (VET) to young people as a first choice.

The Erasmus+ funded initiative was coordinated by Aspire-Igen in the UK and included Caped Koala Studios – UK, the Cork Institute of Technology in Ireland, the Business Foundation for Education in Bulgaria, the Government Office of Békés County in Hungary, SATAEDU in Finland and VHS-Cham in Germany.

The partnership has developed the mobile application Level Up to VET which helps the young people make more informed choices around VET careers. The game gives them a chance to explore a number of jobs, such as Carer, Hair and beauty therapist, Construction worker, Mechanic, Sports therapist and Sous chef.

Level Up game 2

The mobile app is freely available in 5 languages for Android and IOS.

Additionally, the game website offers useful labour market information – demand, remuneration, prospects for the next years.

Level Up website

The consortium has also collected an Ebook with best practices of game-based learning application in careers guidance promoting the advantages of this approach, which makes learning more attractive for the students.

Level Up Ebook

A really enjoyable, up-to-date and satisfactory initiative, that has also proved to be useful for young people and career guidance practitioners. Here is some of the feedback received from users:

  • “I like the idea of combining a game with acquiring new knowledge. Indeed, this game can throw a new perspective on a learner who doesn’t know what he wants to do.”
  • “The information about the professions is presented in an interesting way.”
  • “I learned useful information about different jobs; also – the questions are easy and appropriate for students and give an overview of the different professions and benefits of VET.”
  • “The game itself is very attractive, but the additional resources on the site are quite useful.”
  • “It is exciting to be a part of something so innovative and modern! I will promote the game among the students I work with and I think it will be very useful for them in making future decisions. Congratulations to the whole team!”

For more information, see the project website and Facebook page.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
Project No: 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036643.