The Mental Health+ project partners gathered for their second meeting in online environment due to COVID-19 restrictions. This fact did not stop the team from conducting fruitful and meaning discussions and sessions including a practical one.
The partners presented and analyzed the surveys on mental health in the project countries and discussed the similarities and differences between them. They also planned the finalization of the e-Book of good practices in mental health inclusion initiatives across Europe and the Mental Health Charter. The team started also the work on the elaboration of a benchmarking tool for use by VET professionals in order to understand and improve their current approach to mental health issues.
The team is lead by Aspire-international from the United Kingdom and includes Business Foundation for Education from Bulgaria, CESIE from Italy, Learnmera Oy from Finland, Hugarafl from Iceland and Fundación Intras from Spain.
For more news and information, follow the project’s Facebook page: or visit the website