Project SPACE will help adults over 60 to improve their life skills and European identity

The Business Foundation for Education is part of the new Erasmus+ project SPACE – Seniors Perceive A Common Europe which tackles the challenges of active aging, European values, and green skills.

The initiative aims to equip adult education trainers with practical resources on how to develop a common European identity and life competencies in senior citizens 60+ in 5 thematic areas:

  • nutrition,
  • health,
  • housekeeping,
  • self-determined consumer behavior, and
  • sustainability.

In the next 2 years, the project will develop:

(1) Teacher Handbook on Life Skills including a learning framework, good practice examples, and implementation ideas for trainers;

(2) Blended learning Empowerment Course for seniors on the 5 thematic areas;

(3) Digital platform on life skills with 100 virtual exhibits and Digital Trails in Europe;

(4) Learning mobilities in each partner country, which aim to empower senior learners to gain more key competencies and exchange experience with peers from across Europe.

The project is coordinated by VHS-Cham in Germany and involves INFOFEF in Spain, Elderberry – Sweden и EduVita – Italy. On January 23rd, the partners conducted their second online meeting to discuss the implementation of the first activities.

Follow the project’s Facebook page for more information and updates.

Erasmus+ project No: 2022-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000088807