Among the projects Business Foundation for Education recently got involved is ELMET, 2020-1-ES01-KA202-082685, funded by Erasmus+ programme. The project aims to develop practical innovative training tools for c-VET trainers, working with vulnerable employed and unemployed people.
The project will use the experiential learning method of digital Escape rooms to help them obtain the skills necessary in the changing working environment – digital working skills, green transversal skills, 21th century soft-skills (creative and critical thinking, effective communication, teamwork and collaboration in intercultural environments.
The project involves 5 partner organisations – Arabako Foru Aldundia-Diputación Foral de Álava -Spain, The Politechicla University of Thessaly – Greece, Citizens In Power – Cyprus, Media Creativa 2020 in Bilbao – Spain and the Business Foundation for Education in Bulgaria.
In the next 2 years the project will produce a complete Toolkit for the design, delivery and evaluation of experiential learning programmes with ready-to-use resources, including:
• а training course on the design of escape rooms: specific for the continuous training field
• а guide to support each of the stages that comprise this learning methodology: design, implementation, facilitation and evaluation
• а guide to support the creation of 100% digital-based escape-rooms
• 3 ready to use escape rooms in online and offline version focusing on the 3 main transversal topics identified among the needs of active workers or unemployed people.

For more information, check the project website and follow us on Facebook.