The NBCC Foundation is pleased to announce the application period for the 2017 Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE) scholarships. These scholarships are made possible by generous corporate support from CCE, an organization that provides practitioners and organizations with assessments, business support services and credentialing. Created in 1995 as an affiliate of the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC), CCE credentials more than 25,000 practitioners globally in a variety of fields.
The application period is open until June 30. For eligibility criteria and applications please click here.
The CCE professional development awards advance the professional identity and development of CCE credential holders. Four awards in the amount of $500 each are available.
CCE professional development awardees are expected to:
- Utilize the funds for CCE credential–specific training only from a training provider recognized and approved by CCE;
- Submit a receipt(s) for the training costs to the Foundation within 12 months of receiving the award;
- Respond to periodic surveys assessing the impact of Foundation programs; and
- Allow the Foundation to use their name and nonsensitive personal information to promote itself and its programs.
CCE professional development awardees are encouraged to apply for Certified Supervision Professional (CSP) certification, if they meet the eligibility criteria for this certification.
The goal of the GCDF scholarship program is to increase the number of available professional counselors providing quality career development services. Two $2,000 international awards are available.
GCDF Scholarships awardees are expected to:
- Provide career counseling services;
- Respond to quarterly surveys assessing the impact of Foundation programs;
- Select services from the sustainability package that are applicable to their personal and professional development goals and regularly report on them; and
- Allow the Foundation to use their name and nonsensitive personal information to promote itself and its programs.