The Career Skills MOOC is available in all partners’ languages!

The Career Skills project aims to create a pan-European platform for the development of lifelong management skills. The initiative is funded by the European Commission and is aimed at career counselors and experts, as well as people of all ages who want to update and improve their skills.
The international partnership is coordinated by the Business Foundation for Education (Bulgaria) and includes the Finnish Institute for Educational Research at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, Resau International des Cité des métiers – France, Volkshochschule im Landkreis (VHS) Cham in Germany, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (IED) in Greece and Aspire-Igen group in the UK.
The six organizations have created the Career Skills Platform platform, which includes various tools and resources for career development:
• The Career Skills Catalogue describes the importance of 12 key career skills and offers a competence framework for 3 levels – Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced, which facilitates the skills understanding and development.
• In addition to the Catalogue, an online assessment tool has been created that allows learners to evaluate which of these 3 levels are their career skills at the moment.
• The Career Skills MOOC (massive open online course) includes 12 training modules, divided into 3 levels of 10 exercises, which combine brief theoretical information with a variety of practical tasks, tests, case studies, self-reflection, useful tips, creative activities, inspiring videos, articles, and resources.
• Learners can choose which skill they want to develop and pass the whole module or just the level identified by the test, and then re-measure their progress.

The platform also contains an online map of career services, where career counselors can freely create their own profiles and clients can find the professional support they need nearby.
In addition, consultants can use the Network section of the platform to share their projects, initiatives, events, and resources.
All materials are freely available in 6 languages on the Career Skills Platform
For current news and more useful resources, follow the Facebook page of the initiative.