The OCCAY project launched an interactive online training in 4 languages – English, German, Bulgarian, and Italian – for counselors who want to improve their digital skills. Enroll in the piloting of the course now for free!
How can I protect my data online? What new programs will help me create a resume? How does a firewall work? What is Digital Detox and how can I solve a computer problem myself? These and many other questions are answered in the OCCAY Hybrid Flexi Course with 6 learning modules:
Communication and Collaboration Tools
Apps for Career Guidance
Career Guidance 4.0
Online Counselling
Digital Health Literacy
Digital Empowerment
Introduction to the course by the project coordinator and platform developer:
The OCCAY training was developed with a focus on educational and career guidance and is funded by Erasmus+. In 6 learning modules, it offers everything career counselors need to know in order to integrate digitalization into the counseling process and to accompany their clients accordingly. Also, people from the fields of human resources and recruiting as well as private individuals can benefit from this knowledge.
The OCCAY course will remain freely accessible by January 2024. Take advantage of it now to improve your digital skills!
All content is available in German, English, Italian, and Bulgarian and can be accessed free of charge by the end of the project. Through learning videos, quizzes, and interactive tasks, the knowledge that is currently still lacking in many people, but is essential in everyday working life, is imparted in a playful and entertaining way.
The big advantage: this digital course offers you high flexibility: you can choose when and where you start, and with which module. In addition to the time flexibility of the digital education offering, the choice of modules is also completely variable. After each module, users receive a certificate of completion, and upon successful completion of the entire course, they receive a personalized certificate.
Improving digital skills as a central goal
According to the newest Eurostat data, 35 percent of the European population have low, narrow, limited, or even no digital skills. 27,5 percent show basic skills and therefore also lack certain abilities.
The international OCCAY project surveyed the skills of 440 career counselors in four European countries. The results came to similar conclusions: The consultants demonstrated particularly high competence in the area of communication and collaboration, and particularly low competence in the area of digital security. The overall average of participants in their digital competencies was 62.7%.
Test your own digital skills! The self-assessment tool is available in English, German, Bulgarian, and Italian.
What’s next?
By the end of 2023, the OCCAY partners will launch an online career guidance tool, pilot the online course, and develop a strategy handbook for managers of career guidance organizations, which want to improve their online services, as well as list policy implications for decision-makers in institutions supporting online career guidance.
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OCCAY – Online Career Counselling Academy helps career counselors to assess and improve their digital skills, to navigate confidently in the digital world and to provide professional online career counseling.
The Erasmus+ funded project is implemented by KARBON Consulting GmbH (Austria), bFlow Webdesign (Austria), Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. (Germany), Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” (Italy) and Business Foundation for Education (Bulgaria).
Project No: 2018-1-AT01-KA202-039286. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.