Join the WINNER Hackathon! 🚀 Open Call for Women Entrepreneurs. Register now!

The WINNER project team invites women who would like to realize their business idea to get involved in the WINNER Hackathon. Apply by September 30th, by filling out the questionnaire.

The WINNER project

The European project WINNER promotes the participation of women in social entrepreneurship through innovative practices. The initiative is funded by the Erasmus + program and aims to overcome barriers that prevent women from entering the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The main target group is women from various vulnerable groups, facing barriers (economic, social, geographical, disability, discrimination, etc.) that hinder their realization.

The Hackathon

The WINNER Hackathon Open Call will select the 10 most promising and innovative social ideas per country in six different countries (France, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Cyprus, and Bulgaria) with high potential for the market.

Do you know what an educational hackathon is? It’s a creative way to rapidly develop a first business idea prototype through innovation and collaboration. Join the WINNER Hackathon to foster talent, accelerate innovation, and kickstart your entrepreneurial journey! Join us to turn your idea into reality!

Who can participate?

The WINNER Hackathon is open to all adult women who encounter significant challenges, such as financial constraints or limited access to resources. If you are interested in becoming acquainted with entrepreneurial practices and eventually pursuing a career in the field.


What will you get?

During these 8 intensive weeks, you will benefit from the support of the consortium to develop your winning idea.  In addition, we will provide you with mentoring from real experts throughout the process. 

Through the course of 8 weeks, the WINNER implementation team will organize an entrepreneurship women’s hackathon. Specifically, national groups will be formed (participation is accepted individually or in groups of 2 to 5 people). During these 8 intensive weeks, you will benefit from:

  • Applicable methodologies and practical tools for business launching: with the objective of shortening time and minimizing costs of business development.

During the 8 weeks of training, we will accompany the WINNER Community in the development of their business models, go-to-market strategies, in the definition of their fundraising strategy and we will also provide innovative counseling to further develop entrepreneurial ideas. All this with the objective to evolve women’s prototypes and turn them into viable businesses.

  • Business Skills Development Workshops: The workshops will provide participants with complementary skills necessary for the development of the business project (business skills, internet and social network marketing, etc.).
  • Continuous Mentoring: Each entrepreneur or working group will have the advice, information, and guidance of a mentor/group of mentors who will guide them in any aspect they need in the development of their business project.
  • Networking Opportunity: National events will be held so that those entrepreneurs who have successfully completed the Hackathon will have the opportunity to present their own projects, making these events a great networking opportunity.
  • Transnational Pitching Day: Opportunity to participate in an international pitching session scheduled to take place in Valencia, Spain, in early 2024

Hackathon Schedule

November 2023
 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
SessionIntroductory SessionDeveloping a Plan for your Business IdeaLaunch of the New BusinessEntrepreneurial Skills Development Workshop
DeliverableNoneBusiness Model Canvas TemplateGo-To- Market StrategyNone
 December 2023
 Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4
SessionBusiness Communication PlanMentoring and Follow-upFundraising StrategyMentoring and Follow-up
DeliverableBusiness Communication PlanNoneFundraising StrategyFinal Portfolio

The WINNER project is coordinated by AMSED Association Migration Solidarity and Exchange for Development (France) and involves INSOMNIA CONSULTING SOCIEDAD LIMITADA (Spain), APID Imprenditorialità Donna Torino (Italy), Trend Education NGO (Turkey); Anatolia Youth Association AYA (Turkey); A.B. INSTITUTE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT LTD (Cyprus) and the Business Foundation for Education (Bulgaria).

For more information, follow the WINNER Facebook page.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 

ID: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU-000026325