The VeLoCiTy project, 2016-1-CY01-KA204-017314, aims to produce a 3D virtual world learning tool to simulate real interviews, real-life scenarios, and interview processes in order to familiarise Europeans with the diversities in the theories and practices applied across Europe mainly due to different ethnic and cultural backgrounds among the European states.
The main objectives of VeLoCiTy are as follows:
· to explore and apply traits of multicultural interview behaviours and diverse ethnic characteristics into the simulation learning tool in order to maximise the skills and the competence of Europeans
· to eliminate physical barriers and create equal opportunities for adults from heterogeneous ethnic backgrounds to collaborate, broaden their views and mind, exchange ideas and engage in constructive dialogue
· to provide the opportunity to adult learners to adapt to diverse working environments, and interviews
· to influence, motivate, and provide the opportunity to
interested stakeholders to utilise and extend the scenarios, and deliver a scalable and expandable open source virtual learning tool in terms of functionality and learning material
The project will be implemented till the end of 2018 by the team including the University of Cyprus, the Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” from Greece, Business Foundation for Education from Bulgaria and FyG Consultores from Spain.
The main products of the VeLoCity project will be Needs Analysis of job interviewees in term of training needs, VeLoCiTy Interview process methodology and VeLoCiTy virtual learning environment based on open source 3D world technology which will simulate interviews. A detailed manual will be designed to help participants learn how to use the virtual learning environment and provide a step by step explanation guide as well as a demonstration video will be created which will give a quick tour of the virtual learning environment and it will help the participants use the tools in the virtual world.
The project started a month ago and will be implemented till the end of 2018 by a team combining the experience and expertise of organizations from Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus and Spain.