Be Positive Analytical Phase

Be Positive

Business Foundation for Education is the Bulgarian partner in Be positive project, 2014-1-SE01-KA202-000988, funded with the support of the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Program.

The first stage of the project implementation included analytical activities aiming at providing the most relevant picture of the state of art, challenges and needs of the young unemployed people and those included in the NEETs’ group. The result of this work is an internal national report in each partner country which will serve as a starting point for the elaboration of the Be positive training curriculum.

The analytical activities included desk research, interviews with guidance practioners, career counselors, human resources professionals and young unemployed people. Additionally the UK partners provided all the other partners with questionnaires to be filled in by at least 20 young people in each country and gathering information about their main challenges and specific needs.

The main conclusions and outcomes of the analytical phase will be discussed among the partnership during the next meeting which will be hosted by Business Foundation for Education in Sofia, Bulgaria on the 21st, May, 2015.

More about the project –