On the 12th, April, 2016, a meeting with stakeholders forming a Bulgarian National Strategic Advisory Group has been conducted in Sofia, Bulgaria. The NSAG includes representatives of the National Employment Agency, UNICEF Bulgaria, Sofia University and human resources professionals from private companies.
The Bulgarian partner BFE presented the Be Positive training program in detail as well as the two pilot sessions that were held in two Bulgarian cities earlier this year and the positive feedback gathered from trainers and young people who participated in them.
The agenda of the meeting also included discussion of the possibilities to implement the Be Positive training program in the future by companies and organizations as a whole program or as a part of other trainings, as separate modules, with other target groups, etc. The possibility to use separate modules of the program in case they can be of help for career practitioners or trainers in their work with NEETs has been highlighted as a very useful option. The main conclusions were that the program is answering real needs of the people working with NEETs and is very attractive and flexible which is making it worthy to be implemented.
The participants also discussed the benefits that this program can bring to pupils before graduating secondary or vocational schools. Additionally they considered it meeting certain needs of employed people in certain situation that require empowerment and motivation for taking decisions. Among the possible target groups that can benefit from this program migrants and people at different ages living in regions with high unemployment rates have been also included during the meeting.
Be Positive project, 2014-1-SE01-KA202-000988, has been funded with support from the European Commission. Find more information on www.bpositive.eu.
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