Ladies first! Project Final Meeting on the 12th and 13th, September, 2019 in Athens, Greece

One of the projects that Business Foundation for Education team has gladly joined has been Ladies First, 2017-1-EL01-KA202-036219 and it is coming to an end. The Final Transnational Multiplier Conference has been hosted by the Greek Ladies first! partners in Athens on the 12th, September, 2019. The project team jointly elaborated Ladies first! Curriculum, Handbook, … Read more

Wings partner meeting in Prague and Newsletter 2

The WINGS partnership has gathered in Prague to plan their next steps.  So far the partners researched the entrepreneurship development and the entrepreneurial education in their countries, and have surveyed the use of innovative technologies, such as mobile applications, online games, virtual environments, etc in the training process.  In the period March – April 2019 … Read more