CCE professional development awards and GCDF scholarships 2017

The NBCC Foundation is pleased to announce the application period for the 2017 Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE) scholarships. These scholarships are made possible by generous corporate support from CCE, an organization that provides practitioners and organizations with assessments, business support services and credentialing. Created in 1995 as an affiliate of the National Board for … Продължение

Категории News

Награда за професионално развитие и GCDF стипендиантска програма 2017

Започва набиране на кандидати за стипендиантската програма и наградата за професионално развитие на NBCC Foundation и Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE) за 2017 година. От 1995 г. CCE досега лицензира и оказва подкрепа на над 25 000 консултанти по целия свят. Срокът за прием на кандидатури е 30 юни. Пълните критерии и начин на кандидатстване … Продължение

Second partner meeting of the Open Mind project

Open Mind logo SMALL

The second partner meeting of the Open Mind project just finished. It was hosted by the Faculty of Management, University of Lodz. The Open Mind project aims at promoting social entrepreneurship to female students and learners from non-business fields of studies through an innovative gamified open online course. The consortium involves 8 organizations from 5 European countries. During … Продължение

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